Why a trainee or traineeship?

Helping Students

We get this question a lot when talking to potential employers and employees about their options for training, so we thought why not put some information together to answer this question.

Employer – Why should I take on a trainee?

Traineeships are a great way to benefit your business as you can bring on a new employee and have them trained in the job role and their duties will increase as they progress. This will allow you to get the most of your employee. You end up with an employee that knows what they are doing, this has been proven to make employees stay longer as job satisfaction increases.

For employers, the BIG one is funding and incentives. Currently there is a lot out there with a big push after COVID to get people back into the work force.

Some common incentives that most businesses may be eligible for are below:

  1. Commencement and Completion Incentives

WA Employers will benefit by having a trainee as there is Commencement and completion incentives available for employers who have a ‘New Worker’ Australian trainee. The employer can receive up to $2125 on completion of the accredited course. Call or visit the following link for information and eligibility criteria.

Apprenticeship Centre hotline on 13 19 54.

WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers.

  1. Payroll Tax Exemption

The Western Australian State Government provides a payroll tax exemption on wages paid to apprentices under a registered training contract and eligible trainees with a training contract registered prior to 1 July 2019. Visit the following link for information or speak with the Apprenticeship Centre on the hotline number above.


  1. Wage Subsidy

Commonwealth Government wage subsidies are available for eligible businesses to contribute to the costs of hiring new staff who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, those with a disability, youth (15-24 years of age), those aged 25-29, a principal carer/parent, mature age (50 years and over) or registered with an employment services provider for 12 months or more. Visit the following link for information or speak with the Apprenticeship Centre on the hotline number above.


Another area employers are worried about is the time the employee will spend training outside the workplace. At WiseClick we have scheduled intakes every two months in FEB, MAR, MAY, JULY, SEPT and NOV.

Each intake has a calendar of one day a week 9am till 2.30pm with only one 4.30pm finish.

Each intake is scheduled for a different day of the week.  This gives the employer the flexibility to choose the day you can attend each week for face to face classroom training.

We also make an agreement with the trainee and employer to allow them to stay and study here after class.  This ensures the trainee is making up the full 7.6 hours of work time they are being paid for.

The last common one I hear from employers is what will I have to do?

At Wiseclick we take care of the training, assessment and follow up of the trainee. The employer just ensures that they can come to the scheduled classes and add duties to their job role as they progress through the training.

We identify the duties to add to the trainees’ job role at the three site visits that are conducted throughout the training period and provide the employer with a check list of duties that are ticked off at each visit. This ensures you are getting the most benefit from your trainee as their skills progress.

Employee – Why should I choose a traineeship?

You will learn new skills in your workplace, and you are paid for it! The traineeship will provide you with knowledge in your job role and you will be able to add more duties as you progress. You also receive a nationally recognised certificate.

Support is the BIG one for employees when it comes to thinking about training.

All Wiseclick students get a range of support options which include unlimited phone and email support in office hours (Mon to Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm) and we also provide and after-hours number for evenings and weekend.

Your never alone at Wiseclick with support available 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.

We also provide all students with free repeat classes and for classroom students unlimited free one on one sessions with a trainer to go over complex areas where required.

I also find employees asking why I should do formal training?

Understanding the WHY behind what you do is where everyone is able to grow confidence in what you are doing. Most of us get shown what to fill into that box on a screen but the WHY is never explained so when error or mistakes pop up you are never sure how to fix it.

At Wiseclick we pride ourselves on explaining all the whys behind what you are doing so you have the confidence and understanding of the tasks you’re completing.

The last one would have to be how much homework will I have to do?

We like to be honest and say there is homework to be done and we recommend 8 to 16 hours of outside the classroom study time. We find this is dependent on your skills and prior knowledge and can be shorter for some students.

The 8 to 16 hours always seems a bit scary, but I like to say as an example if you could get 2 hours in the evening of 4 days you have already hit 8 hours and then maybe you can fit 4 hours on each weekend day…there you go 16 hours for the week. Some weeks will be great and some wont, but we are here to help and support you along the way.

Well, I hope that has helps to give you some information around traineeships. To get started the first step is for the employer and employee to sit done and have a talk about it and then contact us for information on how to get a traineeship started.

WiseClick truly believe that trainees benefit business and businesses benefit from trainees!

It’s a win / win for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and feel free to contact me on 08 9207 1088 if you have any questions.

Warm regards,

Tarryn Drage

WiseClick Training Coordinator