It’s February and Love is in the Air!

You may have seen on our social media that we now have two very happy fiances in our mix at WiseClick.  Both Tarryn and Sarah have recently become engaged and are now busy planning their weddings.

With so much love around I thought that I would talk about what I LOVE about training.

Training has always been part of WiseClick, even back in 2002 when I first became an MYOB consultant, I would sit with business owners and their staff and help then navigate tax laws and software. It is so rewarding to be able to take the confusion out of people’s lives and make them breathe easy.

Training is also challenging as teaching one person will not be the same for another, all our students are like little puzzles and we must try different ways of speaking and different practice tasks to help them to understand. I am a puzzle person and even back at school, I was the one that everyone would bring their Rubix cube to fix.

When BAS lodgement dates are looming and everything is causing me stress, the classroom is my go-to place to feel wonderful again. Our students are so appreciative when they learn new helpful tips and I find it so rewarding and memorable when one of our Certificate students (that I only met six months ago when they decided to change industries and become a bookkeeper), picks me up in the class with something I have said that is not quite right. At that moment I am so proud of their progress and confidence as well.

Training accounting is never boring, the software that we teach such as Xero, MYOB and Calxa are continually being updated and improved. The tax laws that we teach are also continually changing. With so many ongoing changes we have started to write our own manuals so that we can quickly update to keep as up to date as possible. Who would complain about being able to write a book, get it published and immediately be used by many! Isn’t writing a book the new de-stress? A bit like that colouring-in for adults.

So, I will leave you on that love note and hope that this little read might improve your day or even inspire you to become a trainer .

Until next month,
