Dear Business Owner – WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE.

on your side

Wikapedia describes bookkeeping as  – “Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an individual person or an organization/corporation.”

Sounds simple enough doesn’t it! Just a bit of typing / data entry. You could get your wife or your receptionist to do this task…why not save some money, get your receptionist to answer the phone and do the bookkeeping as well. Surely a two day software course is all that she needs to be able to cover what a bookkeeper knows?

Well, Business Owner, times have changed. The bookkeeping role has changed. We now deal with a myriad of software packages’ that are part of new business. We understand 3-4 different accounting software packages and can help you to decide which suits your business better. We deal with hundreds of add-ons that compliment the accounting software you are using.  These can help to systemise your business and do away with paper, filing and double entering. We keep abreast of new technologies such as taking payments on your mobile phone and using direct debit software that reconcile to your accounting software automatically, Why? Because you might ask for these things and we want to be able to say to you “Yes we have something that can sort that area for you.”

You are our client, you are in our thoughts, we want your business to rise above all others and make profits for you so that you can take that holiday with your family. We keep our ears to the ground waiting for the next great technology; we listen out for signs of those immature technologies to reach maturity so that you can skip the hiccups and get straight into the good stuff, saving you time and headaches.

We don’t only just know what OCR means, we are busy embracing this new technology as a way to increase the efficiencies. We can see a paperless future with you going online to look at your receipts and tax invoices.  We know that OCR will shave hours off our day and save you monies as well as building efficiencies. We day dream about upcoming software that will see new customers details being entered into an ipad and flowing through to your accounting system to raise and invoice once the work is completed.

We spend our time learning and up skilling, attending seminars and reading up on new legislations. We understand how to read awards and the NES. Our BAS Agent status means that we have studied and passed complex exams and that we have proved our experience to the Tax Practitioners Board and signed up for continuing education every year to keep our registration current. We often drift into the depths of superannuation and payroll legislation just to make sure that you wont need to sweat if you get that nasty fair work call regarding a disgruntled ex staff member. We spend hours researching and navigating the GST legislation to get those extra claims for you.

We are communicators. . We take the time to explain to you what is out there and what might work for you and your business. We invite you, dear business owner, to meet and discuss a new lead pipeline add-on that could work for your business.

We sit across you during the meeting with your accountant so that we can go for a quiet coffee afterwards and you can ask me those “dumb” questions about the meeting and I can answer in plain terms so that you can fully understand where your business is best off heading next.

We are on forums, online communities and other groups, reading posts every day. We know that you, dear business owner, need to keep abreast of new technologies to be competitive in your market. We ponder over breakfast if that new software would suit you. We see a post on our chat group, at 10pm at night, which could be of interest to you and make a note to talk to you next week about it.

Most importantly, we care about your business. Way more that you may ever realise. We take our work seriously and think of your business as if it were our own. We wish for your business all that you wish for it. If things are going badly then we take it to heart, we ponder ways to make things better. We think of information and sift through our experiences to find a solution or at the very least some suggestions for you to try. We prepare a cashflow to help you to navigate through a cash shortage minefield and into more settled waters.

We ask for those missing invoices and EFT slips and dockets and advise you of possible pay run and award issues; not because we enjoy putting a cloud over your day, but because we care that you are covered. We want you to be able to sleep comfortably at night knowing that you have all that could be asked of you in an audit.

So business owner, NO a bookkeeper does not spend their day just entering transactions, the job role is much more. We are innovators and system engineers as well as legislation experts. We are your financial co-pilots.

We are a valuable, educated resource; we are advisors to you for your business. We are motivated and have our finger on the pulse for you. We are on your side.

Thanks from Cheryl

I have always found it hard to explain to people what we do at WiseClick. I have taken this layout above from an amazing article written by a colleague.

Looking at hiring a new bookkeeper for this new financial year?

Another great article below from xero re:

  • Why you need a bookkeeper
  • Finding the right bookkeeper